Welcome to Open Balkan Market
Your Gateway to Thriving Businesses

At Open Balkan Market, we're not just a platform; we're a dynamic ecosystem where businesses of all sizes connect, collaborate, and flourish. Our mission is to empower growth across the Balkans and beyond by fostering meaningful relationships and enabling seamless trade.


What We Offer

We bridge gaps, bringing businesses together from diverse industries and backgrounds. Whether you're a seasoned player or a new entrant, Open Balkan Market provides the platform to establish connections that matter.


Why Choose Us

Diverse Marketplace


From traditional products to cutting-edge services, our marketplace boasts a diverse array of offerings. Discover the best that the Balkan business landscape has to offer.



Your safety is paramount to us. Open Balkan Market implements advanced security measures to safeguard your data and transactions, allowing you to trade with peace of mind.

Success Stories


Our success is reflected in the success stories of our customers. With a track record of facilitating countless prosperous collaborations, Open Balkan Market is a proven catalyst for growth.

Products For Sale
0 M+

Discover an expansive array of offerings.

Community Earnings
$ 0 B+

Join our thriving community and collect earnings

Growing Buyers
0 M+

Connect with a Global Network of Buyers.


Join Us

Open Balkan Market invites you to be part of a revolutionary journey. Whether you're a buyer, a seller, or simply someone passionate about the Balkan business scene, join us in shaping a future where businesses thrive collectively.

Connect, Collaborate, Prosper - with Open Balkan Market.

Ready to embark on this exciting journey?

Visit us and become part of a thriving business community!


Award Image

Winner Seo Master MAGT
Smart Start Award 2018

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Top Social Media Agencies
Next Partner 2019

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5 Fastest Growing Abstract
Solution Providers 2020

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National Excellence Agencie
Award Winner 2021

Meet Our Leaders

Allow us to introduce you to the visionary individuals who lead the way, driving our achievements and inspiring innovation - get acquainted with the dynamic personalities that shape our success


John Doe

Founder & CEO


Jessica dwel



Rick Edward


Melind Wolosky
