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How to Trade

Easy 4 steps to manage your products selling

By following these easy steps, you'll be well on your way to effectively managing your product selling on Open Balkan Market and creating a successful online presence for your business.

Step 1: Sign Up and Set Up

Register as a Seller: Join Open Balkan Market by signing up as a seller. Provide the necessary details to create your account and gain access to your seller dashboard. Profile Setup: Complete your seller profile. Add relevant information about your business, including a brief description, logo, and contact details. This helps buyers learn more about your brand.

Step 3: Manage Inventory and Pricing

Inventory Management: Keep track of your product availability. Set the quantity of each item you have in stock. The system will automatically update the availability as sales are made. Pricing Strategy: Set competitive prices for your products. Consider factors like production costs, market trends, and competitors' prices. You can also offer promotions or discounts to attract buyers.

Step 2: Add Your Products

Product Listings: In your seller dashboard, find the option to "Add Product" or "Create Listing." Provide product details such as title, description, images, price, and any variations (sizes, colors, etc.). Compelling Descriptions and Images: Write clear and engaging product descriptions. Highlight the features and benefits. Use high-quality images that showcase your products from different angles.

Step 4: Engage with Customers

Respond Promptly: Stay attentive to inquiries from potential buyers. Respond to messages promptly, addressing any questions they may have about your products or services. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service. Address concerns professionally and courteously. A positive buying experience can lead to repeat business and positive reviews. Order Fulfillment: Once a buyer places an order, ensure a smooth fulfillment process. Pack products securely and ship them within the specified timeframe. Provide tracking information if applicable.

Only Few Fees

All is secured and Transparent

Rest assured, our platform ensures complete security and transparency throughout every transaction.

Listing Fee
$ 0

List your products for free and take advantage of our platform's wide reach. There's no initial listing fee, so you can start selling without any financial barriers.

Final Value Fee
0 %

Enjoy the benefits of our platform with a 0% final value fee. This means you keep 100% of your earnings from successful sales.

What they say

Success stories from Open Balkan Market sellers

Explore firsthand accounts of sellers who have flourished on Open Balkan Market, achieving remarkable growth and establishing prosperous connections within our vibrant business community. These success stories stand as a testament to the potential and possibilities our platform offers to businesses of all scales.

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Open Balkan Market has truly transformed the way I do business. The platform's user-friendly interface and exceptional support have made selling a seamless experience.

Elena PetrovskaInvestor
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Being a part of Open Balkan Market has exceeded my expectations. The community of buyers and sellers creates a supportive ecosystem that fuels my business success.

Besim KrasniqiInvestor
Frequently Asked Questions

Find an answer to your Question

How can I add new products?

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How can I know stock?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Venenatis tellus.

How do I get paid?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisquefelis.

Do I need a credit or debit card to create a shop?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.